Friday, June 14, 2019

IT TAKES A VILLAGE slice and dice a fetus and sell it for parts

(Obviously, this post was initiated several years ago but life interfered and I’m just going to finish it off - recent events would suggest it remains timely.)
She's back…the incredible tin-eared, brassy, bossy loudmouth from Park Ridge, Illinois…transplanted to Arkansas where she could pass the bar and be elevated to presidential consideration through coitus with Hope's most renowned (and public) Lothario. And she has just claimed the unborn have no constitutional protections. If this is indeed the case, is it legitimate to prosecute a fiend who has, in a physical assault, killed a woman's unborn child? I would think not but these people make up the rules (and change them) as they go along…just read a couple of Ginsberg's decisions.

A couple of centuries back we shed British rule. Among the reasons was to rid ourselves of the English tradition (in the House of Lords) to allow idiot fathers, to be followed by their idiot sons, to be followed by their idiot grandsons, etc. Today, Bushes follow Bushes, Bayhs follow Bayhs, Sununus follow Sununus, Kennedys follow Kennedys, Byrds follow Byrds, Longs follow Longs, Babbitts follow Babbitts, Cuomos follow Cuomos, Gores follow Gores, Browns follow Browns, etc. 

It goes on and on but to give you a brief idea that this isn't new, check Wikipedia for "", and go through the alphabet. The numbers for A thru F follow:

A. 89
B. 263
C. 218
D. 120
E. 48
F. 93

But, increasingly, spouses (most often female) are running for, and winning, the offices held by their recently deceased spouses. One needs better references to become a short order cook than to be a member of the Federal and State governing elites. And now we have seen this absurd practice elevated to the highest level.

Of course, there remains an outside chance that more and more will "get the Bern" and defeat the dragon lady. However, it's unnecessary and since six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party, Norman Thomas pointed out when he decided to no longer run: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party had adopted our platform."

Demonstrating an even deeper understanding of what was occurring in American politics, he added: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism'. they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing how it happened."

So Hillary will more than likely be our next President - I doubt that she will serve two terms - her age and temperament mitigate against it. But before she leaves, unborn children, the Little Sisters of the Poor, and Christianity in general will have been thrown under the bus of Liberalism. And, if Boy Trudeau has any influence south of his border, we will also have embraced involuntary euthanasia of the elderly (Hillary will exempt herself and a few of her fellow female "victim" pals). 

What Hillary leaves undone will be carried toward fruition by Michelle O - who will serve two terms. The whole plan will be completed under Chelsea as that chubby cheeked little cherub rounds out the ultimate coup: the installation of a female oligarchy, convinced of their victimhood and determined to maintain a "Wise Latina" majority on the Supreme Court.

The only unresolved problem will be the inevitable emergence of a male Islamic electorate which never has and never will accept female leadership…even one that isn't pushy. Unlike their feminized male American counter-parts, the Arab men will reject a "back of the bus" status, will continue to father as many children as they choose, and will most definitely not submit their children to America's pathetic educational system. Their children will learn, as children have learned for millennia, to cherish and embrace the faiths and beliefs of their fathers. And that includes pushing back against those who demand conformity to whatever doctrine is the "special of the day." 

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